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Let yourself be guided by what feels right when making big life decision

Writer: Kelly ThorneKelly Thorne

Updated: Apr 28, 2023

So many of you have reached out to me and said you felt the universe or god (depending on your beliefs system) had guided you to find my YouTube channel . Which was just what you had been looking for, to help you make the big life decision to start a CIC. 

So many tell me my information was what they needed to get that idea they have put into action.  To follow their passions, change their life and have an impact in their community. 

 It is extremely powerful when I hear this feedback. But I get it, because I often feel guided as well and more so lately since I have been helping people with their CIC's. 

Now for the non believers out there reading this I know you will think these things are explainable or coincidences. I get that as I used to think like that. But too much has gone on that I can no longer deny there is a higher power guiding me. 

This week I had a particularly clear example of this I want to share. 

It was Wednesday. I was feeling overwhelmed. I'm running out of time on my Arts council project and I have a ton of work to do for my heritage project. I was also busy checking the application of many of my students for their grants. I had a call booked with children in need for my end of year one project review. Which was stressful as I have changed the project and they want me to do something I don't want to do. 

I spoke with my sister to sound off how I was feeling. I just wanted to dissolve me CIC 4Elementz I'd been running for ten years as felt it's no longer work I want to do. I have other project I would prefer to work on like mine and my partners new CIC Kreador which is a mental health and arts project. Then I have my own art projects and of course I now have my cic consultancy. But she was like, no don't close it you have the grants secured for the next two years you can't turn them down you want to move. Fair point I thought. 

Feeling anxious I took the dog out on our usual walk in the woods just 5 mins from my house. The blue bells were out which took us off our path. I noticed another path and someone walking in another direction in the distance. Wondering where she was headed I followed. 

I've lived by these woods for 9 years! 

In 5 mins I was out of the woods standing on a road by Cornwalls north cliffs. I had no idea I could get to the cliffs this way. To drive to them take quite a long times as the woods are in the way so you have to drive around. Unbelievably to me, there was a path down the cliff to a beach I have never seen in my 40 years of living in this town. 

Crazy I know. But it's Cornwall. We have two coast lines and tons of little beaches and coves. I just didn't know there was this one right by my local woods walk. 

There was no one down there and it looked stunning. Turquoise pools and all. 

I went home and had a call with children in need. It was ok but I wasn't feeling the project I was signed up to do. So still feeling stressed I decided to go back to the cliff and get down on that beach. 

It's a huge cliff climb down. Not for the faint hearted. But that's why no one was on it. 

It was really warm on Wednesday, no clouds.

I skipped around the way you do when you discover a deserted beach and the sun's out. 

I sat and looked at my phone and saw I had an email. It was from my estate agent. I have a shop I renovated on the market but it's had no interest in a year. I'd given up. The email said I had an offer! The amount I wanted. 

It was a game changer. I had a big chunk to help me move and didn't need 4elementz cic's grants working on projects I just have grown out of. Time moves on and that project is ten years old and I feel it's no longer right for me. 

I walked around some more thinking about the decision. I found a small waterfall that had a rainbow going through it which was insane. I walked in the surf and saw big fish jumping. I looked at the huge staggering cliff rock formations. It was absolute paradise. 

I thought to myself it's like I was meant to see this today, to be reminded that what's out there is amazing. 

It just felt clear to me what I need to do and that I am on a new path now. It's time to let go of my first CIC and help others build theirs. Help my partner with his CIC and go with the flow. That's my purpose.

The beauty of a CIC is the freedom to change. If you don't want to do this type of work anymore, don't. Design a new project. Open a new CIC later on with a different focus if you want. 

Our potential is limitless if we know our own potential and go where we are guided. 

Don't let anyone tell you, you have to do a job for practical reasons. I'm not saying be ruthless or irresponsible but I do find we can over worry and actually it always turns out ok. 

I know the non believers probably stopped reading a while ago but for those that made it to the end of this trust god (or the universe or whatever higher power you believe in). Let yourself be guided because we don't know what's out there for us, or where the path will take us, just like I didn't know a paradise beach was on my doorstep. We have to just trust in something beyond us 🙏

Kexx 🫶🏼



You know what they say. Everything happens for reason and it truly does! how everything has been lining up in order for me to find you, has been a journey in its self, very similar to the new cliffs and beach you found. A brand new beginning for all of us. Thank you for sharing Kexx 😊

Kelly Thorne
Kelly Thorne
Jun 04, 2023
Replying to

Thank you 🙏 it’s amazing to see and be part of so many of you starting your journeys 🫶🏼


Apr 25, 2023

That's amazing! I am so pleased to hear that you'll be moving to bigger and greater things with your future. I have just came across your channel and I have gotten so much value from your products and services you offer, I highly recommend Kelly if you are thinking of having your own CIC. Soon as my bank account is opened, I will be looking to secure my first grant funding with the help of Kexx indeed 😃 I have found my purpose and being Limitless is what it's all about guys ❤️


Apr 25, 2023

Absolutely. I asked for you to come into my life and you did via a complete stranger recommending you. I'd had a call with a lady who has a CIC specialising in exactly what you are doing. At the end she said she would send over a proposal. 2 weeks later and no.proposal...I email to ask when it's being sent. She's been busy and will send that week. A week goes by nothing... I email again this time she says I'll do it today... I receive nothing. I email to say I've lost faith and then the next day it arrives. She had forgotten details of what we discussed despite writing it all down in the meeting. My gut told…

Kelly Thorne
Kelly Thorne
Apr 25, 2023
Replying to

Well things can work out for the best sometimes even though they feel disappointing at the time. I’m glad you’ve founds what’s working for you now. Let me know if you need any help 🫶🏼


Rema Bailey
Rema Bailey
Apr 23, 2023

I hear you and I believe there is a higher power! Thanks for this!❤️🙌🏾


George Hinton
George Hinton
Apr 23, 2023

so jelous of your private beach.. i have to share mine with ppl!

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