What’s a CIC launch strategy and how can it transform your CIC game.
The power of personal branding in your CIC & LTD
Why your CIC should set up a membership
How your CIC could gain contracts and fill the gaps in this time of gov cuts
Stop doing everything in your CIC yourself!
Get creative and get more money into your CIC
Choose an easy to fund project first and a passion project later.
Three ideas to get fast income into my CIC with no grants & no time consuming projects
Looking beyond grant funding for your CIC
Moving up the property ladder thanks to founding a CIC.
How a CIC can make you recession proof?
What’s the big dream? Here is mine
Why being time rich is more important than money rich
How to zone out the haters
How our society is changing and why CIC’s are leading the way
Let yourself be guided by what feels right when making big life decision
How I defied the odds because I started a community interest company
Working smarter with your CIC
Mindset tips for growing your CIC fast
More money, less work - why my CIC business model could transform your life.